Building Management Systems

Building Management / Automation Systems

We are an independent company specialized in Intelligent Building Management and Automatic Control Systems. We use a range of manufacturers products to provide modern, efficient and user-friendly building energy management systems, our level of service is personal, we have the capacity and incumbent capability to deliver large and small projects, maintenance, energy and integration.Supply of fully integrated building automation system incorporating the latest generation of Direct Digital Control (DDC) and/or Programable Logic Controller (PLC) for energy management, equipment monitoring, controlling of HVAC systems and other subsystems.

Full integration of all building automation system e.g. HVAC Controls, Chiller Plant Managers, Lighting Controls.Collect, view, analyze and compare trend information.Workflow-oriented user interface which will enable fast and accurate operation and event handling.Support for the leading open standards as minimum but not limited to: BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, Modbus, LON, KNX/EIB, DALI, OPC DA/UA/AE, MQTT and SNMP.Multiple client options for installed, browser-based and Windows App clients.



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